I film short video reports with a DSLR camera and a Zoom H4. Editing on Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro X.
LEXIT – UK left-wingers heading for EU exit
Ahead of the Brexit vote, prominent left-wingers Owen Jones, a columnist at the Guardian, and Jon Trickett, deputy chair of the Labour Party, explain why they think Britain should leave the EU.
Published on 06/07/15
Interviews, camera, editing: Lorraine Mallinder
It’s a no from Greece
In July 2015, Greece voted no to austerity after a tumultuous week that captured international headlines. The country’s left-wing government stunned the world by announcing a referendum on austerity after eurozone negotiations on its debt collapsed. Eurozone partners upped the ante, billing the vote as a choice between the euro and the drachma. How do Greeks now feel about the EU?
Published on 06/07/15
Interviews, camera, editing: Lorraine Mallinder
La prison “la plus humaine du monde”
The world’s most humane prison
Un prison pas comme les autres. À Halden Fengsel, en Norvège, les chambres sont lumineuses, toutes avec salle de bains privée et des fenêtres sans barreaux.
Norway’s Halden Fengsel is unlike any other prison, with airy rooms, en-suite bathrooms and windows without bars.
Published by L’Actualité 07/04/16
Interviews: Jean-Christophe Laurence
Camera, editing: Lorraine Mallinder
Lendemain de veille en Ecosse
Aftermath of Scotland’s referendum
Lendemain de veille en Ecosse suite au référendum sur l’indépendance. Les ‘non’ ont gagné, mais les ‘oui’ ne semble pas prêts à abandoner la lutte.
Scotland decides to remain in the UK, but the political awakening of recent years looks set to continue.
Published by Montreal daily La Presse 19/09/14
Interviews: Jean-Christophe Laurence
Camera, editing: Lorraine Mallinder
Ados aux urnes
Scotland’s youth vote
Des jeunes écossais de 16 et 17 ans votent pour la première fois au referendum sur l’independance.
Young first-time voters from Glasgow discuss Scotland’s indyref.
Published by Montreal daily La Presse 11/09/14
Interviews/narration: Jean-Christophe Laurence
Camera, editing: Lorraine Mallinder
Kahnawake’s kick ass girls wrestling team
We visit a girls wrestling team in Kahnawake, a small Mohawk reserve just outside Montreal. These award-winning fighters also face challenges off the mat, confronting stereotypes about women in the sport.
Interviews, camera, editing: Lorraine Mallinder
Une grand-mère qui rage
A raging granny
Portrait de Marguerite Bilodeau, membre du groupe Raging Grannies à Montreal. Elle ecrit, compose, milite pour la paix et, surtout, refuse de fondre dans le décor.
Marguerite Bilodeau is a member of Montreal’s Raging Grannies. An accomplished writer, composer and activist, she is determined not to fade into the background.
Interviews/narration: Jean-Christophe Laurence
Camera, editing: Lorraine Mallinder
Kahnawake Values
Quebec wants to ban items of religious faith like turbans and headscarves from public life. We head to the Mohawk reserve of Kahnawake to hear what the real founding people of this nation think.
Interviews/narration: Lorraine Mallinder
Camera, editing: Jean-Christophe Laurence